Revision as of 20:41, 9 October 2014 by MaximPotekhin (talk | contribs)
- Computing Effort Organization
- Computing Planning Process
- Priorities
- Computing Calendar
- Standing meetings
- List of important simulation and reconstruction meetings, including DAQ and 35t related topics
- FNAL Indico Pages for the biweekly Software and Computing conference call
- Upcoming events
- Upcoming Collaboration Meeting: January 22nd-25th 2015 (links TBA)
- Recent Events
- Collaboration Meetings: February 2014, July 2014
- Standing meetings
Major Software Components and Tools
- art, a suite of tools, libraries, and applications for processing detector events.
- worch, a meta-build orchestration system based on waf framework.
- Overview of Computing at FNAL
- Central computing facility at FNAL: Fermigrid
- Storage:dCache status
- Storage:Enstore status (mass storage)