Important Note
This is an archival area for a variety of documentation and design pages developed for the LBNE Collaboration which has since reorganized and became a part of DUNE Collaboration. This area is not actively maintained. There isn't any guarantee that the materials presented here are up-to-date or relevant - they are kept here for reference by the computing experts and managers.
If you are looking for DUNE Computing, please access this page here.
- Information for new members
- See notes on LBNE Computing Effort Organization. In 2014, there are 3 active groups reporting to LBNE spokespersons:
- Crucial mailing list: More info on the Mailing Lists page.
- Computing Calendar
- Google Calendar (in Beta).
- Standing meetings
- List of important simulation and reconstruction meetings, including DAQ and 35t related topics
- FNAL Indico Pages for the biweekly Software and Computing conference call
- Upcoming events
- CERN prototype meeting (03/19-03/20) agenda TBD
- xLBNEx Collaboration Meeting, April 2015
- Recent Events
- art workshop at FNAL, early December 2014 (TBA)
- HEP Software Foundation Meeting at SLAC: January 20-21 2015
- Upcoming LBNE Collaboration Meeting: January 22-25 2015 (links TBA)
- XRootD workshop at SLAC: January 27-29 2015
- Feb 2014 Software Workshop
- Collaboration Meetings: February 2014, July 2014
Previous Priorities (LBNE Archive)
Priorities for the software and computing work.
- LBNE Software Infrastructure: LBNE code build, validation and continuous integration
- LBNE Geometry Description and Model
- 35t prototype readiness
- File Metadata Schema
- Prototypes:
- "Full Scale Prototype Test" at CERN (2017)
- The 35t LArTPC Prototype Test at FNAL (2015)
Software Tools
LBNE Software
- The Far Detector "lbnecode" package - LArTPC (Redmine Wiki)
- LBNE Far Detector SW releases (lbnecode)
Underlying Software Components and Tools
- art, a ROOT-based suite of tools, libraries, and applications for processing detector events.
- LArSoft, an art-based framework for simulating liquid argon drift detectors. As of Jan 24, 2014, LArSoft transitioned from svn/SRT to git/mrb/ups.
New Tools
- worch, a meta-build orchestration system based on waf framework.
- GGD, a Geometry Description system. Also see this dedicated geometry page.
- "Building in Docker", our R&D for applying the Docker platform to solve the problem of LBNE (and other) software packaging and distribution.
- Overview of Computing at FNAL (Slides)
- FNAL Accounts
- Grid Monitoring
- Fermigrid (Central computing facility at FNAL)
- "FIFEmon"
- FNAL Grid Accounting scoreboard
- Fermicloud
- Garden variety of monitoring stats
- Storage
- The RHIC and ATLAS Computing Facility: (RACF)
- The US ATLAS: Facilities Page (useful links)
- BNL Google Search
Open Science Grid
While not a facility or even an owner of a facility, the Open Science Grid (OSG) Consortium is an important component of the national Grid Computing infrastructure in the US as it facilitates access to High-Throughput Computing facilities for many research institutions and collaborations. LBNE enjoys the support of the OSG and has a Virtual Organization (VO) status with the Consortium.
- Gratia monitoring tool which shows Open Science Grid resource utilization.